Minggu, 25 November 2012

What Your Gifts Mean

Have you ever wondered what those gifts that you are either giving or receiving mean? A lot of people may not think about it and just buys anything as long as they have something to give, but every gift has a meaning, especially to those who are really close and value their relationship a lot.

Often, the monetary value of the gift is not relevant, it's the meaning that is more important. Christmas cards or Birthday cards that you made yourself is more meaningful than any other expensive gift.

So before you start buying gifts for the holiday season, read on first so that you'll have an idea about gifts and their meaning.

What Bracelets Mean

There are different kinds of bracelets that you can give. There are charm bracelets that are supposed attract wealth, health, or good karma to the person wearing it, there are magnetic bracelets that helps avoid arthritis, and a whole lot more with different uses. But the most common use of bracelets is to strengthen a relationship, these type of bracelets are called friendship bracelets.
The most common friendship bracelets are those simple pieces of strings woven together, they are very symbolic because most of the time they are personally made. However, you might want to give something that will last longer than the conventional string bracelet. Silver bracelets are the top choice at these times because you can have a personal message engraved on them.
If you want to give something meaningful this holiday season, on any occasion actually, you can never go wrong with personalized bracelets.

What Necklaces Mean

Necklaces have a deeper meaning than bracelets, they are used to strengthen a relationship as well but it's of a different level. Necklaces gets passed on from generations to generations, usually among mothers and daughters. It forms a bond that will stand the test of time. A story about the necklace will also be told as the necklace is passed on and the daughter will do the same to her daughter. Don't break the chain : )
Lockets are also very popular and are very meaningful since you can put your pictures in them. Everybody loves to reminisce sometimes and a locket with a picture in it is a very good reminder of the relationship that you have.
Personalize it to add more meaning and relevance.

Keepsake Gifts

Keepsake gifts help those near and dear to you remember that special day for years to come. You'll want to consider giving extra special gifts. keepsakes could be anything that will serve as a reminder of friendship or of that event that you both cherish. It could be a friendship bracelet, a ring, a wine glass, a mug, or anything that will spark that memory whenever he sees it.

What Perfumes Mean

There is joke about giving perfumes as gifts, they say that if you give a perfume to somebody you're saying;

"You smell so bad I can't stand it! Here, use a perfume, pleeeease!"

But of course that's not true...or is it in your case?

It is true however, that we want that person to always smell good and be at his best. A sweet smell gives out a positive aura and a good impression. Remember, first impressions last and you don't want to be known as somebody who smells like a dresser. Ever heard, "He's not really good at selling...but he smells good"
Actually, you can never go wrong with perfumes, not unless its a really bad perfume. But how can you call it perfume, if it smells bad? hhmmm... Anyway, here's a list of perfumes that smells really good at a steal.

What Educational Toys Mean

I think this one os pretty obvious. Very good gifts, especially for kids. If you give one, it means that you want that child to grow up intelligent. Educational toys help in brain development. As far as I know, a chids brain is most active and is developing rapidly until the age of 7 so you would really want to feed his mind before he reaches 7 and then just reinforce the development as he grows.
So instead of giving useless toys that will be forgotten after a month or two, try educational toys. they will not only enjoy them, they will also learn from them. Plus, parents will surely appreciate them.

Minggu, 18 November 2012

How to Talk to a Girl You Like for the First Time

Having a crush on a girl can make you very shy around her, especially if you don't know each other well. Here's how to strike up a natural conversation with the girl you like.

Step 1.Make eye contact

Spend a few days catching her gaze every now and then. Don't just stare at her, though; instead, shoot her small glances until your eyes meet and she catches you. When she does, smile slightly and look away after a second. You'll probably blush as well, which is all the better - blushing indicates you're nervous, which is a hint that you like her.

Step 2.Time it right.

When you do talk to her, pick a time that's convenient. Don't try to get her attention when she's obviously involved in something else, and try to have a bit of privacy - you don't have to be completely alone, but her attention shouldn't be too distracted.

Make the interaction extra casual (and put a time limit on it) by talking to her while you're both walking somewhere else. If you walk to a class at the same time as her, or you start walking the same way home, this is a great opening.

Step 3.Start with a compliment.

Paying a girl the right compliment makes your intentions clear right away - she'll know instantly that you're interested in being more than her friend. Here are some things to consider:

1.   Know how to deliver a compliment. Even the best compliment in the world will fall flat if your delivery is off. Keep a half smile as you talk - it will make you naturally add appealing inflection to your voice. (Try this trick out when you answer the phone sometime and see if you notice a difference.) Maintain eye contact with her, and keep the tones of your voice up, but lower the actual volume - speaking softly immediately communicates intimacy, and it can make her instinctively lean in closer to hear you. If this all sounds a bit difficult, practice it in front of a mirror first.

2.   As anyone who's ever had a stalker can tell you, there's a fine but definite line between flattering and creepy. With this in mind, choose your compliment wisely. Saying something like "You always look amazing in that shirt" can come off as weird if you don't know her well, and implies that you watch her. (Even if you do, it's best not to spill that information immediately.) Instead, opt for something general but cute, such as "Your smile is glowing today. What's making you so happy?" or "I thought what you said in class earlier was really interesting." A good compliment should naturally lead to more conversation, instead of just hanging awkwardly in the air after you say it.

3.   Know what to avoid. If you're going to pay a girl a compliment about her physical looks, stick to her eyes, smile or hair. Do not comment on her body otherwise, especially on the first interaction.

4.   If you want to play it extra safe, pick something you already know she's proud of. For instance, if you know she's a dedicated violinist, say something like, "I've heard you're an amazing musician," and use it as a way to ask her some questions about it.

Step 4.Keep the conversation moving.

You might be tempted to stop talking and just stare at this girl, but don't let your nerves get the best of you. Allowing a long lull in the conversation will make things feel awkward.

Step 5.Instead, have a mental list of backup questions you can use if you stumble on an uncomfortable pause.

Ask about what she thinks of a shared homework assignment or an upcoming event. Asking for her opinion communicates that you care about what she thinks, and see her as more than just an object.

Use the conversation to find out more about her, but be subtle. For instance, if you want to find out if she already has a boyfriend, you could casually ask, "So, anything fun planned with your boyfriend for the weekend?" If she doesn't have one and she's interested in you, she'll let you know immediately.

Ask open-ended questions. For instance, instead of saying "So, have anything fun planned for the break?" (which can be answered with a short "yes" or "no"), say "What are you going to do to keep busy while school is out?" A question that requires a detailed response is always better to keep a conversation flowing.

Step 6.Make her laugh (optional)

If you're sure you've got a joke she'll appreciate, give it a shot. The goal is to show her you have an engaging sense of humor, but you don't want to come off as desperate or cheesy.

Rule 1. If possible, crack a joke about the current situation or something you both saw happen. Situational humor is more meaningful than a joke you read online. 

Rule 2. Don't tell a dirty joke. It's not appropriate for a first conversation, and it might give her the wrong impression.

Rule 3. If she doesn't get the joke, don't explain it to her unless she asks. Just move on quickly with a new point of conversation.

Rule 4. Good humor is really attractive, but bad humor is a complete turn off. If you can't think of a joke that makes sense with the situation at hand, leave it alone.

Step 7. Close the conversation early

Follow that old saying - "Always leave them wanting more." Find a way to gracefully duck out of the conversation before it goes stale.Good luck! 

Tips : 
  1. Girls like guys who smile a lot.
  2. Sometimes just laughing and smiling can make a girl melt.
  3. Some girls are a little more aware of guys liking them than guys are with girls.
  4. Sometimes it helps to be demure and not excited around her. Just act normal and things will go fine.

Minggu, 11 November 2012

The "keys" of success healthy diet

Everyone knows the keys to losing weight: Eat less and exercise more. Sounds simple enough, but in the context of real life and its demands, it can be anything but simple. So how do successful losers do it? I have find out several actions like this :
  1. Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages.
    People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. So you can end up eating extra calories when an ice-cold glass of water is really what you need rather than drink soda or any hi-carbs beverages.

  2. Consider whether you're really hungry.
    Whenever you feel like eating, look for physical signs of hunger
    ,hunger is your body's way of telling you that you need fuel, so when a craving doesn't come from hunger, eating will never satisfy it.Keeping your portions reasonable will help you get more in touch with your feelings of hunger and fullnes.

  3.  Be choosy about nighttime snacks.
    Mindless eating occurs most frequently after dinner, when you finally sit down and relax.Sitting down with a bag of chips or cookies in front of the television is an example of eating amnesia, where you mindlessly eat without being hungry, but out of habit.Once you find that you're usually satisfied with the low-cal snack, try a cup of zero-calorie tea
  4. Enjoy your favorite foods.
    Instead of cutting out your favorite foods altogether, be a slim shopper. Buy one fresh bakery cookie instead of a box, or a small portion of candy from the bulk bins instead of a whole bag.
    Putting your favourite foods leads to weight gain because it triggers 'rebound' overeating.You can enjoy your favorite foods, but you must do so in moderation 

  5. Eat protein at every meal.
    Protein is more satisfying than carbohydrates or fats, and thus may be the new secret weapon in weight control.Diets higher in protein and moderate in carbs, along with a lifestyle of regular exercise, have an excellent potential to help weight loss.Getting enough protein helps preserve muscle mass and encourages fat burning while keeping you feeling full. So be sure to include healthy protein sources, like yogurt, cheese, nuts, or beans, at meals and snacks.

  6. Spice it up.
    Add spices or chiles to your food for a flavor boost that can help you feel satisfied.
    .Because food that is loaded with flavor will stimulate your taste buds and be more satisfying so you won't eat as much.

  7. "Emotion" control
    I think that's most commonly thing that happens daily in our life .The most important key to perform a good and healthy diet is by controlling your "emotion" this is the hardest part thougt.
    One does not simply to manage "emotion". But eventually perform a healthy diet or a healthy life plan can make our life more productive maybe it can also longer out lifespan.


    Hopefully this can helping everyone who will starting to do a diet ,and that's including myself then.Thanks for reading.

  1. Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages.
    People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. So you can end up eating extra calories when an ice-cold glass of water is really what you need

  2. Consider whether you're really hungry.
    Whenever you feel like eating, look for physical signs of hunger
    ,hunger is your body's way of telling you that you need fuel, so when a craving doesn't come from hunger, eating will never satisfy it.Keeping your portions reasonable will help you get more in touch with your feelings of hunger and fullnes.

  3.  Be choosy about nighttime snacks.
    Mindless eating occurs most frequently after dinner, when you finally sit down and relax.Sitting down with a bag of chips or cookies in front of the television is an example of eating amnesia, where you mindlessly eat without being hungry, but out of habit.Once you find that you're usually satisfied with the low-cal snack, try a cup of zero-calorie tea
  4. Enjoy your favorite foods.
    Instead of cutting out your favorite foods altogether, be a slim shopper. Buy one fresh bakery cookie instead of a box, or a small portion of candy from the bulk bins instead of a whole bag.
    Putting your favourite foods leads to weight gain because it triggers 'rebound' overeating.You can enjoy your favorite foods, but you must do so in moderation 

  5. Eat protein at every meal.
    Protein is more satisfying than carbohydrates or fats, and thus may be the new secret weapon in weight control.Diets higher in protein and moderate in carbs, along with a lifestyle of regular exercise, have an excellent potential to help weight loss.Getting enough protein helps preserve muscle mass and encourages fat burning while keeping you feeling full. So be sure to include healthy protein sources, like yogurt, cheese, nuts, or beans, at meals and snacks.

  6. Spice it up.
    Add spices or chiles to your food for a flavor boost that can help you feel satisfied.
    .Because food that is loaded with flavor will stimulate your taste buds and be more satisfying so you won't eat as much. 

    "Emotion" control

    I think that's most commonly thing that happens daily in our life .The most important key to perform a good and healthy diet is by controlling your "emotion" this is the hardest part thougt.
    One does not simply to manage "emotion". But eventually perform a healthy diet or a healthy life plan can make our life more productive maybe it can also longer out lifespan. Hopefully this can helping everyone who will starting to do a diet ,and that's including myself then.

  1. Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages.
    People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. So you can end up eating extra calories when an ice-cold glass of water is really what you need

  2. Consider whether you're really hungry.
    Whenever you feel like eating, look for physical signs of hunger
    ,hunger is your body's way of telling you that you need fuel, so when a craving doesn't come from hunger, eating will never satisfy it.Keeping your portions reasonable will help you get more in touch with your feelings of hunger and fullnes.

  3.  Be choosy about nighttime snacks.
    Mindless eating occurs most frequently after dinner, when you finally sit down and relax.Sitting down with a bag of chips or cookies in front of the television is an example of eating amnesia, where you mindlessly eat without being hungry, but out of habit.Once you find that you're usually satisfied with the low-cal snack, try a cup of zero-calorie tea
  4. Enjoy your favorite foods.
    Instead of cutting out your favorite foods altogether, be a slim shopper. Buy one fresh bakery cookie instead of a box, or a small portion of candy from the bulk bins instead of a whole bag.
    Putting your favourite foods leads to weight gain because it triggers 'rebound' overeating.You can enjoy your favorite foods, but you must do so in moderation  


Minggu, 04 November 2012

Top 5 (REALLY) Fun Ways to Practice Languages

     We all know that learning a new language is a daunting task. Many people attempt to learn a new language only to give up after a few months because they simply don’t have the time, or don’t see progress. But with today’s technology, we have many more options to expose ourselves to language! Here at Voxy, your success in learning a language is our priority, so we’ve outlined some tips and tricks that we would like to share with you!

1. Use Youtube! Youtube is a great website for watching native speakers of the target language speak, as well as a good way for yourself to broadcast your own language learning journey! When you see native speakers speak on Youtube, you are getting a firsthand experience of how native speakers use the language in specific situations, and broadcasting your attempts to use on youtube can help see if other Youtube viewers can understand and give you tips on improving your skills!

2. Watch your favorite movies, without subtitles. Watch your favorite movies that are in the target language without subtitles. If you’ve seen the movies before, watching it without subtitles in your native language help create coherence even if you don’t completely understand what the actors are saying the entire time. The fact that you’ve seen these movies before and know the plot means you can understand the plot even though you may not fully understand the exact dialogue of the speakers. This helps you connect new vocabulary and phrases from the movie to their meanings.

3. Like sports? Watch your favorite sport and team using commentators from the language you are trying to learn! Don’t watch it in your native language! There are plenty of television channels or websites that show your favorite matches in other languages. This will give you exposure to the specific language of something you love, and soon you will be able to converse to native speakers in your target language about sports at the bar in no time!

4. Current events! Watch the news and read newspapers, or even news websites, in English! You can even read about news in your home country in different languages before you read it in your native language, that way you can compare what you could understand from viewing it in another language before you go back to your hometown news source.

5. The internet is your friend. In today’s interconnected world, you can easily make friends and pen pal’s online from any place in the world. This is a great advantage for language learners that did not exist in the past. All you need is access to a computer and an internet connection and you can have real time conversations with someone that is a native speaker. Have language exchanges and a real life connection to a language besides textbooks and classroom teachers!

That’s all for now, so get cracking on that language exposure!