Minggu, 25 November 2012

What Your Gifts Mean

Have you ever wondered what those gifts that you are either giving or receiving mean? A lot of people may not think about it and just buys anything as long as they have something to give, but every gift has a meaning, especially to those who are really close and value their relationship a lot.

Often, the monetary value of the gift is not relevant, it's the meaning that is more important. Christmas cards or Birthday cards that you made yourself is more meaningful than any other expensive gift.

So before you start buying gifts for the holiday season, read on first so that you'll have an idea about gifts and their meaning.

What Bracelets Mean

There are different kinds of bracelets that you can give. There are charm bracelets that are supposed attract wealth, health, or good karma to the person wearing it, there are magnetic bracelets that helps avoid arthritis, and a whole lot more with different uses. But the most common use of bracelets is to strengthen a relationship, these type of bracelets are called friendship bracelets.
The most common friendship bracelets are those simple pieces of strings woven together, they are very symbolic because most of the time they are personally made. However, you might want to give something that will last longer than the conventional string bracelet. Silver bracelets are the top choice at these times because you can have a personal message engraved on them.
If you want to give something meaningful this holiday season, on any occasion actually, you can never go wrong with personalized bracelets.

What Necklaces Mean

Necklaces have a deeper meaning than bracelets, they are used to strengthen a relationship as well but it's of a different level. Necklaces gets passed on from generations to generations, usually among mothers and daughters. It forms a bond that will stand the test of time. A story about the necklace will also be told as the necklace is passed on and the daughter will do the same to her daughter. Don't break the chain : )
Lockets are also very popular and are very meaningful since you can put your pictures in them. Everybody loves to reminisce sometimes and a locket with a picture in it is a very good reminder of the relationship that you have.
Personalize it to add more meaning and relevance.

Keepsake Gifts

Keepsake gifts help those near and dear to you remember that special day for years to come. You'll want to consider giving extra special gifts. keepsakes could be anything that will serve as a reminder of friendship or of that event that you both cherish. It could be a friendship bracelet, a ring, a wine glass, a mug, or anything that will spark that memory whenever he sees it.

What Perfumes Mean

There is joke about giving perfumes as gifts, they say that if you give a perfume to somebody you're saying;

"You smell so bad I can't stand it! Here, use a perfume, pleeeease!"

But of course that's not true...or is it in your case?

It is true however, that we want that person to always smell good and be at his best. A sweet smell gives out a positive aura and a good impression. Remember, first impressions last and you don't want to be known as somebody who smells like a dresser. Ever heard, "He's not really good at selling...but he smells good"
Actually, you can never go wrong with perfumes, not unless its a really bad perfume. But how can you call it perfume, if it smells bad? hhmmm... Anyway, here's a list of perfumes that smells really good at a steal.

What Educational Toys Mean

I think this one os pretty obvious. Very good gifts, especially for kids. If you give one, it means that you want that child to grow up intelligent. Educational toys help in brain development. As far as I know, a chids brain is most active and is developing rapidly until the age of 7 so you would really want to feed his mind before he reaches 7 and then just reinforce the development as he grows.
So instead of giving useless toys that will be forgotten after a month or two, try educational toys. they will not only enjoy them, they will also learn from them. Plus, parents will surely appreciate them.

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